The Departments of Applied Linguistics and Arabic Language Instruction
at the American University in Cairo
announce the holding of the International Conference on Arabic language and linguistics
Conference Title: Teaching and Learning Arabic from K to 16: Adjusting to New Realities
To be held at The American University in Cairo
December 16-18, 2023
The Departments of Applied Linguistics and Arabic Language Instruction would like to announce the 7th International TAFL conference to take place on 16-18 of December 2023. This year’s conference will build upon the success of AUC’s previous biennial international conferences on Arabic language and linguistics.
Description of the Conference: This conference, held in celebration of the Arabic language on its international day, will bring together researchers, educators, scholars, instructors, practitioners, and graduate students from around the world to discuss issues pertaining to research, pedagogy, and practices of teaching Arabic to native and non-native speakers in primary and secondary schools or in higher education. Theoretical and applied linguists, educators, administrators, teacher trainers, curricula, and material developers are all welcome to participate.
The conference will serve as a platform for sharing research, experiences, insights, teaching tips, and more.
Read more ✚This conference is a unique opportunity to come together as a holistic community focusing on furthering of the teaching and learning of Arabic. Highlighting topics that cover the teaching of Arabic in primary and secondary schools, in addition to those that impact the university sector, offers a fresh perspective on teaching Arabic as a global language.
The conference will address various important issues pertaining to teaching Arabic as a global language at all levels, such as pedagogy, assessment, and sociolinguistics, to name a few.
Conference Language: English and Arabic
Abstracts are invited on the following topics:
Abstracts can either be presented for individual sessions or for pre-organized panels. Pre-organized panels must not include more than four presentations (including a discussant) and must be able to present in two hours (each paper is for 20 minutes, followed by Q&A).
Deadline for abstract submission: June, 30, 2023
Acceptance letters will be sent on: August 31, 2023
All workshops are open for registration now on a first come, first served basis.
The registration will close once the number reaches 15 participants in each workshop.
You may register for any number of workshops you want to participate in.
Date and Time: 14 December | 9 AM - 12 PM
Room P019
Leaders: Ruba Khamam (University of Leeds), Letizia Lombezzi (The University of Siena), Zehad Sabry (University of Oslo), Hossam Ahmed (Leiden University)
Goal: participants should identify what is meant by connected learning and produce a learning unit that incorporate relational learning or digital storytelling as examples of connected learning.
Duration: Three hours
Procedure: 45 min. presentations (what’s connected learning, demos of a unit/course that uses relational learning, and digital storytelling as examples of connected learning). 135 min. for participants to use their own context and materials to design a learning unit based on the demos
Connected Learning Across Settings: Relational Learning and Digital Storytelling.
The Fifth workshop of the European Network for Teaching Arabic (ENTA) suggests strategies for re-signifying teaching Arabic, taking into account both learners’ needs and class composition. In this frame, Connected Learning (CL) helps designing Arabic curriculum where students learn transferrable skills through an emphasis on acquiring both knowledge and skills. This approach combines connections between various components of the curriculum, theory and practice, students and their teachers, peers, and the wider society amongst other connections (Fung 2017). Fostering Relational Learning allows students and instructors engage in a dialogue about learning so that they learn from each other, share ideas and together create the learning/teaching experience.
Workshop participants will be able to identify what is meant by Connected Learning and produce learning content for one lesson/module that incorporates authentic tasks using Arabic in different contexts, Relational Learning and/or digital storytelling as examples of Connected Learning.
In the first part of the workshop (approx. 45 minutes), Dr. Ruba Khamam (University of Leeds) will give a presentation on Connected Learning and show an example CL in practice where students create and take part in authentic language tasks. Dr. Letizia Lombezzi (University of Siena) will introduce Relational Learning (RL) as a type of CL, explore the concept of being empirical and how it relates to CL, followed by a short elicitation session where workshop participants expand on CL/RL potentials. Dr. Hossam Ahmed (Leiden University) will demonstrate how to use Twine, a Digital Humanities tool for telling non-linear stories, to create highly customized non-linear learning paths that are effective in mixed-level classes. Mr. Zehad Sabry (University of Oslo) will demonstrate a connected learning unit (via digital storytelling), showing the steps of designing a digital-story-telling project-based unit, including instructions and rubrics.
In the hands-on part of the workshop (approx. 2h15min.), participants will work in groups to create Connected Learning experiences. Participants will design language learning modules which incorporate CL/DL/DST.
Date and Time: 15 December | 9 AM - 12 PM
Room P019
Presenter:Mimi Melkonian, Brunswick School, Greenwich, CT, U.S.A.
Audience Level:9th to 12th – High School Level
Language of Presentation:English and Arabic
Goal:The attendees will create a lesson plan to maximize and optimize the implementation of the 21st century foreign language learning and innovation skills through Artificial Intelligence.
Duration:Two hours
Procedure: Two hours of hands-on activities, followed by questions
Content and Purpose:
This workshop will focus on helping Alpha Generation Arabic learners elevate their level of proficiency.
Participants will join the conversation to explore resources, including ChatGPT, strategies, and structures that support differentiation for this important category of learners.
Topics will include:
1) setting a tone that validates student language;
2) fine-tuning units to fill in gaps and build on learner strengths; and
3) developing key curriculum components that move students to higher proficiency levels.
The presenter will share theoretical and practical approaches and suggestions focusing on the Arabic language and provide specific examples in the target language.
Applicable at all levels of proficiency and all modes of communication.
Learn how to synthesize different approaches to create high impact learning.
Determine the right blend of tools, media and resources to reach the most diverse audience.
Discuss standards, expectations and assessments for the alpha generation of Arabic language learners while exploring the best practices in place.
Maximize and optimize the implementation of the 21st century foreign language learning and innovation skills through Artificial Intelligence.
Throughout this session teachers, educators and curricular developers will learn how to best harness the potential of new technologies -- Artificial Intelligence to develop their own lesson plans.
They will be engaged in a dialogue about current resources and practices that can help them provide opportunities for collaboration, promote critical thinking while enhancing communication, and stimulate innovation and creativity.
They will create their own lesson plans that elevate their students’ level of proficiency.
Examples of student and teacher communication (Interpersonal, presentational and interpretative) will be shared with the audience.
Date and Time: 14 December | 1 PM - 4 PM
Room P019
Title: Heritage, Mother-Tongue and First Language Arabic Instruction in Schools - Teacher Workshop
Leader: Dr. Wafa Hassan, Arabic Department Director, Global Educational Excellence
Goal: To share teaching and learning resources and best techniques to engage heritage, mother-tongue, and first language learners of Arabic in primary and secondary schools.
Procedure: 3 hours
Description: A workshop for teachers working with schools to provide Arabic language instruction to students with heritage/mother-tongue/first language backgrounds. This highly interactive workshop will be designed to share teaching and learning resources, techniques for student engagement, as well as to provide opportunities for teachers to network, share and learn from each other’s national, regional and local contexts.
Date and Time: 15 December | 1 PM - 4 PM
Room P019
Facilitator: Dr. Laila Familiar
Goal: This workshop is aimed at teachers who want to understand the benefits of implementing an extensive reading approach to teaching Arabic using literature. Participants will engage in the process of simplifying a literary text and will be guided to design a set of successful pedagogical activities.
Duration: Three hours
Procedure: The workshop includes a mix of theoretical presentations, hands-on simplification of literary materials, design of exercises, and other activities.
Participants will be introduced to key concepts such as extensive reading, core vocabulary, lexical frequency, lexical coverage, and text authenticity. After reflecting on which factors need to be considered when selecting suitable literary texts for learners of Arabic, participants will abridge a sample text and will collaborate in the design of activities that can help learners maximize the benefits of the literary passage. Finally, the facilitator will share best practices on how to approach publishers and present successful book proposals and textbooks based on simplified literary texts.
December 16, 2023 08:30 am
December 16, 2023 09:00 am
9:00 - 9:30 am
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
December 16, 2023 09:30 am
Sociolinguistics and teaching: benefits and practices
9:30 - 10:30 am
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Reem Bassiouney
December 16, 2023 10:30 am
December 16, 2023 11:00 am
11:00 - 12:30 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Mona Kamel Hassan, American University in Cairo
1. Noha Aboulmagd Forster: Dialects, Diglossia, and Disdain: Teaching an Arabic Listening Course
2. Aidan Kaplan: A Translanguaging, Multidialectal Approach to Inclusion in the Arabic Classroom
3. David Wilmsen: Reflections of a Sociolinguistics Class of Diverse Arab Identities
4. Riham Shendy: Learning to Read in an “Estranged” Language: Arabic Diglossia, Child Literacy, and the Case for Mother Tongue-Based Education
December 16, 2023 11:00 am
11:00 - 12:30 pm
Room: P019
Chair: Shahira Yacout, American University in Cairo
1. Roba AL-Hayek: تدريس عناصر اللّغة الاجتماعيَّة بوساطة القصَّة القصيرة لطلبة المرحلة الثَّانويّة غير النّاطقين بالعربيّة: نماذج وتطبيقات
2. Nagwa Younis: The Tower of Babel Carnivalesque: Blurred Identity in Arabic Digital Discourse
3. Nour Kweider: Re-Conceptualizing the Language-Reading Relationship: Insights from Arabic and Heritage Language Learners
4. Hasnaa Essam Farag: Terms of Address between Couples in Egyptian TV Series: A Sociolinguistic Study on Gender Style and Performance
December 16, 2023 12:30 pm
12:30 - 2:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Carine Allaf, Qatar Foundation International
1. Lourdes Ortega (online): Teaching Arabic as a Global Language in the US K-12 Settings: How do Teacher Identity and Critical Language Awareness Matter?
2. Rasha Soliman: Investigating and responding to teachers' beliefs of the integration of variation in Arabic school teaching
3. Elizabeth Huntley: L2 Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Variation: Towards a Psycholinguistic Account
4. Emma Trentman: Multilingual and Multidialectal Approaches in the Arabic Language Classroom
December 16, 2023 02:00 pm
December 16, 2023 03:00 pm
بداية البدايات: تأهيل جيل جديد من أساتذة العربية لمواجهة واقع متغير للتعلم والتعليم
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Mahmoud Al Batal
December 16, 2023 04:00 pm
December 16, 2023 04:30 pm
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Hebattalah Salem, American University in Cairo
1. Setrag Hovsepian: Arabic Study Abroad Programs - the Case of YSU Arabic Studies Students in Jordan
2. Hagar Lotfy: Problem-based learning: Developing students’ language proficiency and 21st-century skills through a transformative learning experience in AFL classrooms
3. Nasr Abdrabo: A Glimpse at Two Major Challenges in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) Learning: ‘Sandhi-variation’ vs. ‘Agglutinative Inflected Word’
4. Letizia Lombezzi: The Lexical Approach in Action with International Commercial Terms. Lexicon, chunks, and collocations for raising awareness and skills
December 16, 2023 04:30 pm
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Room: P019
Chair: Raghda El Essawi, American University in Cairo
1. Hanem El-Farahaty: Using Arabic/English Corpus-Based Tools in Teaching, Learning and Assessing Arabic Language and Translation
2. Nada Naji: The Challenges and Difficulties of Teaching Arabic as a Heritage Language for Students K-12
3. Muhammad Eissa: Teaching and Learning Arabic K-16: The Challenge of Changing Direction: Brazil Experience of Training Arabic Language Teachers
4. Saussan Khalil: Towards a New, Holistic Vision for an Arabic Language Program at the School Level: Combining and Modernizing Curriculum, Resources, Teacher-Training and Assessment
December 16, 2023 06:00 pm
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Open to all participants
December 17, 2023 09:00 am
Preparing empowered learners: Connecting language and culture for 21st century Arabic teaching and research
9:00 - 10:00 am
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Khaled Al Masaeed
December 17, 2023 10:00 am
December 17, 2023 10:30 am
10:30 - 12:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Iman Saad, American University in Cairo
1. Adela Provaznikova: Interpreting Cultural Differences: Arabic-Czech Online Tandem Experience
2. Sara Kwasy: الدراسات الثقافية وتدريس الأدب بالمنهج التواصلي
3. Amany Elsaeid: The Importance of Outside Class Activities and Culture Immersion for Language Learners Acquisition
4. Amani Batran: By All Memes, I Want to Learn Arabic: Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Using Memes in AFL Classrooms
December 17, 2023 12:00 pm
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Room: P019
Chair: Dalal Abol Seoud, American University in Cairo
1. Mohamed Mukhtar: وثيقة معايير مقترحة لتدريس اللغة العربية بالمدارس الدولية
2. Nesrine Basheer and Stephen O’Connell: Pragmatic Competence and the Authenticity of Arabic OPI Role-plays
3. Hebatalla Salem: E-Portfolios: Perceiving Students’ Progress
4. Amani Attia: The Problem with OPIs
December 17, 2023 12:00 pm
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Raghda El Essawi, American University in Cairo
1. Yehia Refaat and Ali Shabana: مسرحة المناهج في تعليم العربية في المدارس الدولية
2. Ruba Khamam: Embedding Authenticity, Inclusivity, and Diversity in Language Curriculum at Advanced Levels
3. Elete Nelson-Fearon: The Native Language in the Room: The Academic Benefits and Pedagogical Curiosities of Creating a GCSE Arabic Curriculum for Arabic-Speaking Heritage Students in the UK
December 17, 2023 01:30 pm
December 17, 2023 02:30 pm
2:30 - 3:30 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
تطوير تعليم اللغة العربية في المدارس: بين سمين المبادرات وغثّ النوعيّة
Hanadi Dayyeh
December 17, 2023 03:30 pm
December 17, 2023 04:00 pm
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Shereen El Ezabi, American University in Cairo
1. Amr Rabie-Ahmed: Perceptions of the Translanguaging and Social Identity of Heritage Learners in an Arabic Classroom
2. Marwah Khost: The Influence of Bolded Keywords in Digital News-Texts on Reading Speed and Comprehension for Heritage Learners of Arabic
3. Mustafa Younes: Challenges that Face Teaching and Learning Arabic in International Schools in Egypt
December 17, 2023 04:00 pm
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Room: P019
Chair: Laila El Sawi, American University in Cairo
1. Salwa Mohamed: An Action-oriented Approach: Embracing Complexity in Arabic Language Pedagogy
2. Lamees Fadl: Approach to Integrating Virtual Exchange Pedagogy in Arabic Language Classes: Case Studies Delivered Through COIL and GSACS Programs at CUNY
3. Lena Krause: A Montessori Approach to Teaching Arabic at the High School Level
4. Shahira Yacout: Exploring the Virtual Global Classroom Experience: Arabic Heritage Learners’ Reflections
December 17, 2023 05:00 pm
5:00 - 6:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Open to all participants
December 17, 2026 06:00 pm
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Open to all TAFL students
December 18, 2023 09:00 am
9:00 - 10:00 am
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Artificial Intelligence in Arabic Language Classes
Mimi Melkonian
December 18, 2023 10:00 am
December 18, 2023 10:30 am
10:30 - 12:00 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Iman Soliman, American University in Cairo
1. Heba Shannik: تعليم الصحافة والإعلام للأطفال الناطقين بغير العربية
2. Mohamed El Bably: How Does Science Help in Developing Heritage Language?
3. Radwa Ahmed: Understanding the Arabic Language Learners’ Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies in Arabic Texts. A Comparative Study of Native, Non-native, and Heritage Learners of Arabic
4. Shereen El-Ezzabi: Damage Control; Undoing in College some Wrongs of Teaching Arabic from K – 12
December 18, 2023 10:30 am
10:30 - 12:00 pm
Room: P019
Chair: Mona Kamel Hassan, American University in Cairo
1. Mahmoud Aldeeky: زيادة (صوت الشين) في أبنية الأفعال العربية، وجهة نظر مقارنة
2. Mark Papai: Segmental Correlates of L2 Arabic Speech Comprehensibility and Accentedness: L1 Consonant Age of Acquisition as a Predictor
3. Lama Nassif: Attention to Verbal Morphology in L2 Arabic Reading: An Eye-Movement Study
4. Sarah Aboul Goukh: Going Back to the Roots: Ancient Egyptian Words in Today’s ECA and MSA: Impact and Application
December 18, 2023 12:00 pm
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Shahira Yacout, American University in Cairo
1. Rita Lahoud: Teaching Arabic Through Art: Three Art Projects That Promote Language and Social Justice
2. Mona Azzam (Online): Teaching Arabic Grammar Inductively Using Picture Storybooks
3. Dalal Abo El Seoud: Translanguaging in the Classroom: Material Development for Intercultural Communication
4. James Vizthum: Arabic Visual Word Recognition in Beginner L2 Learners
December 18, 2023 01:30 pm
December 18, 2023 02:30 pm
The Missing Link: Arabic Instruction between Schools and Higher Education in the UK
2:30 - 3:30 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Rasha Soliman
December 18, 2023 03:30 pm
December 18, 2023 04:00 pm
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Chair: Iman Soliman, American University in Cairo
1. Wael Asfour: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots: Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching and Learning Arabic Writing
2. Jaouad El-Bakili: The New Challenges of ChatGPT in Teaching Arabic Literature and Writing for Heritage Students and Non-native Speakers: A Case Study- Al Akhawayn University
3. Islam Karkour and Shaimaa Nabil: Using Artificial Intelligence Applications in Arabic Classrooms
4. Housni Bennis: The Challenges of Using ChatGPT to Generate Reading Materials for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
December 18, 2023 05:30 pm
Moataz Al Alfi Hall